The stars are just like us. They need to stay in shape, but don’t have a whole ton of time to devote to a gym schedule. Also they enjoy gainz. Which is why many celebrities have turned to CrossFit as a functional and effective workout routine.
Everyone in Hollywood from Justin Timberlake to Vanessa Hudgens is rumored to have tried CrossFit at one time or another, whether it was to prepare for a role or something they incorporated into their regular fitness routine. We’ve put together a list of some of our favorite celebrities who do CrossFit.
8 Celebrities Who Do CrossFit
1. A.J. Cook
You make recognize A.J. as detective J.J. Jareau from the hit show, Criminal Minds. Cook has played one of the leading FBI agents since 2005.
This Canadian actress and mother of two stays in shape a lot of different ways, but does dabble in CrossFit with her husband, although she avoids doing it regularly because she doesn’t want to get bulky.
Bad excuse, but we’ll forgive her as long as she keeps posting adorable Instagrams like the one above.
2. Max Greenfield
If you’ve yet to witness the hilariousness that is Max Greenfield’s New Girl character, Schmidt, do me a favor and stop reading this article and go tune into Netflix for at least thirty minutes.
As far as I can tell only @BicepLikeBriggs has doubled my score in 16.3 #blessed #76 @CrossFitGames
— max greenfield (@iamgreenfield) March 14, 2016
The only thing that could make me like (no, love) him more? You guessed it, he’s an avid CrossFitter who even managed to compete in the Open this year despite his busy filming schedule. Check out his video for 16.4 prep below — yes, he’s practicing HSPU in a fat suit. You’re welcome.
16.4 prep from the set of #NewGirl @CrossFitGames
— max greenfield (@iamgreenfield) March 18, 2016
3. Tim McGraw

It didn’t come as a surprise to me at all to discover that Tim McGraw loves CrossFit.
The 50-something country singing stud takes functional fitness on the road and credits it with helping him in his recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. He began his fitness journey in the late 2000’s according to an interview he did with the New York Times last year.
Not only does McGraw work out multiple times a day while on tour, but he also adheres to a pretty strict Paleo diet. And if you’ve seen the abs, you believe it.
Gonna b a hot day in Albuquerque #shotgunridertour
A photo posted by Tim McGraw (@thetimmcgraw) on
4. Danica Patrick
Even race car drivers need to stay in shape. Danika Patrick is a speed demon on the track and a beast in the box.
She’s also a pretty hardcore yoga practitioner and often chronicles her journey with exercise and eating healthy on her Instagram account. The stars, they’re just like us!
5. Jason Statham
Is anybody really surprised by this one? Of course, one of the most epic actor/stuntmen uses an epic workout system to keep his body strong and lean. Statham is a long time CrossFit fan.
He programs his own workouts and is a huge fan of Olympic Lifts and mobility expert Kelly Starrett according to a recent interview with Men’s Fitness. The 47-year-old also follows a clean eating regime and loves muscle ups.
6. Rick Ross
Rap mogul Rick Ross, who’s known for being a larger guy, is shaping up with CrossFit as well.
Ross is rap royalty and is definitely looking healthier in his more recent Instagram posts.
7. Brad Pitt
Although Brad Pitt is notoriously private about his personal life, personal trainer and box-owner Duffy Gaver spoke to Muscle and Fitness Magazine about training actors like Pitt, Chris Hemsworth and Chris Pratt using CrossFit.
Gaver is honest when it comes to sculpting men for major roles.
“A lot of people getting into CrossFit want to look like Rich Froning, but they’re not going to train like Rich Froning (three sessions a day, usually extremely heavy),” Gaver said. “So how do you look like Rich Froning, without training like him? It’s easy: bodybuild. Or bodybuild with some CrossFit on the side. If there were a better way to build muscle, bodybuilders would do it.”
8. DJ Khaled
I will never give up!! #wethebest @22daysnutrition
A video posted by DJ KHALED (@djkhaled) on
Rick Ross isn’t the only rapper employing CrossFit techniques to get in shape. DJ Khaled has been chronicling his health journey through social media for a couple of months now, inspiring his fans to take on the challenge with him and get in better shape.
My favorite quote from his account? “You thought I was going to give up? Congratulations, you played yourself.” Good for you DJ Khaled!