Becca Voigt recently qualified for her record breaking NINTH appearance at the CrossFit Games next month and she’s not done yet!
the 35-year-old owner of CrossFit Training Yard was awarded the “Spirit of the Games” award in 2014 and finished second in last month’s California Regional.
We caught up with Becca to see just how it feels to be the only CrossFitter who’s been to the Games as many times as she has.

FHQ: So you just became the first athlete to qualify for your 9th consecutive CrossFit Games and you’ve already said you’ll shoot for a tenth season. How do you keep from getting bored or burnt out?
Becca Voigt: Yea, you can easily get bored or burnt out with training but I’ve made the decision to always train with people who keep me on my toes and keep me laughing. They help to make my training fun.
Becca Voigt: Yea, you can easily get bored or burnt out with training but I’ve made the decision to always train with people who keep me on my toes and keep me laughing. They help to make my training fun.
FHQ: You’ve obviously seen CrossFit evolve and change a LOT since you started competing. Did you ever imagine back in 2008 that the sport would be what it is now or that you’d be a household name for CrossFitters?
Becca Voigt: I think with any sport, evolution of it is a natural progression and CrossFit isn’t an exception to this. I’m glad that it’s evolved, it’s helped me to evolve. I’m flattered that I’m a household name but honestly, I didn’t think it would happen.
Becca Voigt: I think with any sport, evolution of it is a natural progression and CrossFit isn’t an exception to this. I’m glad that it’s evolved, it’s helped me to evolve. I’m flattered that I’m a household name but honestly, I didn’t think it would happen.
FHQ: How has the programming you see in the Open, the Regionals and the Games evolved since you began?
Becca Voigt: The programming has to evolve to keep up with up and coming athletes and existing athletes in this sport. Without evolution, we can’t progress as a community and athletes can’t progress with their fitness. I will say that each year has brought with it a new challenge and I always look forward to what Dave Castro will throw out way.
Becca Voigt: The programming has to evolve to keep up with up and coming athletes and existing athletes in this sport. Without evolution, we can’t progress as a community and athletes can’t progress with their fitness. I will say that each year has brought with it a new challenge and I always look forward to what Dave Castro will throw out way.
FHQ:California is obviously a STACKED region. Are you friends with a lot of the women you compete with? Do you train with any of them?
Becca Voigt: California is a stacked region! I do train with some of the girls in California. I typically train with Kris Clever, Pam Eamarond and on occasion, Jamie Hagiya and Chelsey Grigsby. We are all really friendly with each other but I do have a closer relationship with Kris and Pam.
Becca Voigt: California is a stacked region! I do train with some of the girls in California. I typically train with Kris Clever, Pam Eamarond and on occasion, Jamie Hagiya and Chelsey Grigsby. We are all really friendly with each other but I do have a closer relationship with Kris and Pam.

FHQ: Is it hard to stay competitive in such an aggressive region? How do you keep your programming up to par?
Becca Voigt: It is hard and I know that with all of the hard work that I put into my training every day, that it’s going to pay off. I get great programming from Ben Benson and I really feel that with the volume and intensity that’s in my programming, it’s allowed me to be competitive with the women of the California.
Becca Voigt: It is hard and I know that with all of the hard work that I put into my training every day, that it’s going to pay off. I get great programming from Ben Benson and I really feel that with the volume and intensity that’s in my programming, it’s allowed me to be competitive with the women of the California.
FHQ: What will your nutrition and training look like now that you’ve qualified and are preparing for the Games? Do you have a routine down pat now or do you still change things up a little very year?
Becca Voigt: My training will become more intense leading up to the games. In addition to lots of CrossFit type of workouts, I’ll be adding in swimming. I’ll do some work in the pool and eventually progress to the ocean.
Becca Voigt: My training will become more intense leading up to the games. In addition to lots of CrossFit type of workouts, I’ll be adding in swimming. I’ll do some work in the pool and eventually progress to the ocean.
Nutrition….is always a work in progress. It’s something that can always be improved upon.
FHQ: You’ve been to the Games eight times, so I’m assuming you’re pretty comfortable competing in that environment. What advice do you have to the rookie girls this year who will be making their first trip to Carson?
Becca Voigt: I think the best piece of advice that I could give take in the experience of being at the games. Things may not pan out as planned but if you take in the experience, you’ll gain valuable knowledge about yourself and the games.
Becca Voigt: I think the best piece of advice that I could give take in the experience of being at the games. Things may not pan out as planned but if you take in the experience, you’ll gain valuable knowledge about yourself and the games.
FHQ: Are there any movements you’re really hoping to see at the Games this year?
Becca Voigt: For whatever reason, I’m really good with odd object carries. I hope there is some type of odd object carries or throws.
Becca Voigt: For whatever reason, I’m really good with odd object carries. I hope there is some type of odd object carries or throws.
FHQ: On the other hand, are there any movements you really don’t hope to see in Carson?
Becca Voigt: Yup, I don’t want to see Legless rope climbs.
Becca Voigt: Yup, I don’t want to see Legless rope climbs.