Carleen Mathews hasn’t had an easy path to the CrossFit Games.
The 32-year-old athlete has struggled with drug addiction and an eating disorder in the past. After almost six years clean, she credits CrossFit with helping her in her recovery and keeping her focused. As if that wasn’t enough, Mathews also lost her father — her biggest supporter in her journey to the Games — suddenly in mid-2013. Once again, she credits the CrossFit community with rallying around her and helping her to get through yet another dark time in her life.

Despite having to overcome a lot of obstacles, Mathews is now preparing for her second trip to Carson. She snagged a first place finish at West Regionals a few weeks ago, finishing in the top 10 for every event except the snatch ladder. You can recognize Mathews by her trademark cornrows and fluffy blonde bun, but don’t let the great hair fool you. This girl is fierce.
FHQ: So you just qualified for your second CrossFit Games — how are you feeling right about now?
Carleen Mathews: Haha it’s still surreal…but I’m super excited to get back to Carson and to have placed on top at Regionals!
Carleen Mathews: Haha it’s still surreal…but I’m super excited to get back to Carson and to have placed on top at Regionals!
FHQ: We know your journey to get here has been a long one. You’ve fought with addiction and overcome the sudden loss of your father several years ago and you’ve been fighting your way through Regionals for four years now. Does it make the moment that much sweeter?
Carleen Mathews: I’ve been to Regionals five times now! Before I was married I was Carleen Lessard, then I changed to Mathews. Yes it totally does, it is also the work I put in every day, you see the light from that journey!
Carleen Mathews: I’ve been to Regionals five times now! Before I was married I was Carleen Lessard, then I changed to Mathews. Yes it totally does, it is also the work I put in every day, you see the light from that journey!
FHQ: You were pretty dominant in the West regionals. What did your training and nutrition look like this year leading up to the competition? Is there any one thing that you think made this year different?
Carleen Mathews: I focused on strength this year. After the Games, I had an ankle injury from the Open last year that I put off until after the Games to heal. So I spent six weeks in a boot in October to November.
Carleen Mathews: I focused on strength this year. After the Games, I had an ankle injury from the Open last year that I put off until after the Games to heal. So I spent six weeks in a boot in October to November.
We didn’t know if I would be able to pull off being ready for Regionals and the Games. I trained through being in a boot but it’s different. After getting out of the boot, I got really serious about the strength, and had a lot of fun with it. I also trained with others whenever I could I would drive an hour multiple times a week to surround myself with others to push me as much as I could.
FHQ: Now that you have qualified for the Games, what is your training and nutrition going to look like until you get to Carson?
Carleen Mathews: Pretty much the same, we will add in strong man work, open water swimming, and long mono-structural training. We will work on the unknown stuff and continuing to build my strength!
Carleen Mathews: Pretty much the same, we will add in strong man work, open water swimming, and long mono-structural training. We will work on the unknown stuff and continuing to build my strength!

FHQ: Are there any events or movements you’re hoping to see in California? On the other hand, are there any movements you’re praying won’t come up?
Carleen Mathews: Nothing really I hope won’t come up, I’d like to see the pegboard again — we got one after the Games and I’ve got to use it, it’s fun! I’d also like to see the pig again!
Carleen Mathews: Nothing really I hope won’t come up, I’d like to see the pegboard again — we got one after the Games and I’ve got to use it, it’s fun! I’d also like to see the pig again!
FHQ: You’re making your second appearance this year. What do you think is going to be different going in this time around? To me, things always seem a little bit easier — or let me rephrase that, less scary — the second time around.
Carleen Mathews: Absolutely less scary! This year I know and believe I belong it wasn’t just a fluke, I deserve to be there and I am capable of doing well. The experience of being there last year and going through such a hard year was good! This year, I know it’s going to hurt and I can get through it and everyone else is hurting too!
Carleen Mathews: Absolutely less scary! This year I know and believe I belong it wasn’t just a fluke, I deserve to be there and I am capable of doing well. The experience of being there last year and going through such a hard year was good! This year, I know it’s going to hurt and I can get through it and everyone else is hurting too!

FHQ: Are you close friends with a lot of the female CrossFit athletes or more of a fan? What’s it like competing alongside them?
Carleen Mathews: I’ve gotten to know a lot more of the athletes and that has helped in making me feel like I belong. They are just my peers instead of untouchable athletes. I’ve enjoyed getting to know the girls from other events and training for Games and Regionals!
Carleen Mathews: I’ve gotten to know a lot more of the athletes and that has helped in making me feel like I belong. They are just my peers instead of untouchable athletes. I’ve enjoyed getting to know the girls from other events and training for Games and Regionals!
FHQ: It’s been a heartbreaking Regionals season so far and we’ve seen several incredible athletes fall just short of making a Games appearance. Seeing as how you’ve felt that pain before and now have overcome it to qualify for the CrossFit Games, what would your advice be to them?
Carleen Mathews: Keep training! Use that to get better for next year. Every year things change and anything can happen!
Carleen Mathews: Keep training! Use that to get better for next year. Every year things change and anything can happen!
FHQ: You and your husband are the cutest — that picture of you pointing to him in the stands at Regionals melted my heart. What’s it like owning a box together. Is he interested in the competitive side at all?

Carleen Mathews: He is the best! He helps so much coaching, cooking, shopping, all while working a full time job an hour away and being a volunteer fire fighter!
I cannot express how much he helps me and is there for me! He is my biggest fan and will do whatever needs to be done to help me succeed! He likes to CrossFit but isn’t really interested in competing!
FHQ: You finished 36th last year at the Games. What were your weaknesses then? What are you hoping to accomplish this year?
Carleen Mathews: Last year I struggled with the strength side, and I struggled with my confidence. I was beat down and didn’t think I belonged after that.
Carleen Mathews: Last year I struggled with the strength side, and I struggled with my confidence. I was beat down and didn’t think I belonged after that.
This year I am going in knowing I belong and knowing I’m capable of doing better! I want to do the best i can each event and see where I sit!