Cutting Body Fat: How to Avoid Fads When Losing Weight

By Kaitlin Bitz Candelaria | January 16, 2017
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Every new year, consumers are bombarded with different variations of the same message — new year, new year. Now’s the time to reach for your dream body. This one month workout/detox/shake/pill will help you achieve the ideal body shape in three weeks or less.

Bleh. Most people within the health and fitness community know this type of marketing is very loosely based in reality. The truth of the matter is you can always work to better yourself, no matter what time of year it is. And if you’re healthy, then you’re already in your ideal body. Healthy looks different on different people and it doesn’t always mean thin.

However, a lot of people are looking to lose a little bit of weight in the new year and there’s also nothing wrong with that. However, you have to be careful when working to lose weight that you’re doing so in a healthy in sustainable way. By making the decision to pursue cutting body fat, you can ensure that you’re not just losing water weight or muscle mass. The weight is much more likely to stay off long term, but it takes some time.

You also have to beware the stereotypical cycle of cutting body fat — bulking and cutting.


Stereotypical Bulking; Verb:

Loading up on obscene amounts of unhealthy foods and carbohydrates in order to gain weight

Stereotypical Cutting; Verb

Putting yourself on an obscenely strict diet where your caloric and nutritional needs are not being met in order to get ˜*ShReDdEd*˜

This isn’t the only or the healthiest method for cutting body fat. However, cutting and bulking doesn’t have to be all bad — just ask Nick Shaw, founder of Renaissance Periodization.

Redefining Bulking and Cutting

cutting body fat
Photo by Scott Webb
“Renaissance Periodization (@rpstrength) is a diet and training consulting company that is strongly rooted in science,” Shaw said. “Most of our coaches are either PhDs in the Sport or Nutritional Sciences or are world class athletes.”

People — including those just looking to lose weight all the way up to Olympic weight lifters — turn to RP to help them cut weight and more specifically, fat, in a healthy and sustainable way. If you want to learn more about losing the “right” kind of weight, check our article on Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss from FitnessHQ writer Nicole.

Nutrition in Weight Loss

Source: Renaissance Periodization
Source: Renaissance Periodization

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