Kristin Holte is a quiet threat coming out of the Region of death.
The 30-year-old Norwegian sometimes gets lost among the bright lights of Sam Briggs, Annie Thorisdottir and Sara Sigmundsdottir, but don’t underestimate her. She placed third this year in the Meridian Regional, ahead of Briggs and Thuri Helgadottir.
Holte, an Invictus athlete, is preparing for her third round of competition in Carson, California. She had her career best in her rookie year, taking 16th in 2014 and 17th in 2015. This year, Holte is looking to work her way up from the middle of the pack to the podium at the 2016 CrossFit Games.
FHQ: First, let’s discuss a little bit about your background in CrossFit. How did you get started?
Kristin Holte: I started CrossFit in May 2012 after a friend of my told me to try it out because she though I would be really good at it. I had been doing a lot of different sports, but I never really found “my thing”. But after my first session at CrossFit Oslo, I knew that I had found the sport that I have been looking for my whole life 🙂
Kristin Holte: I started CrossFit in May 2012 after a friend of my told me to try it out because she though I would be really good at it. I had been doing a lot of different sports, but I never really found “my thing”. But after my first session at CrossFit Oslo, I knew that I had found the sport that I have been looking for my whole life 🙂
FHQ: This will be your third year going back to the Games. What were some of your more difficult moments during Regionals? What were your highlights?
Kristin Holte: My highlight was definitely the snatch event, where I PR`d my snatch by ten pounds, twice 🙂
Kristin Holte: My highlight was definitely the snatch event, where I PR`d my snatch by ten pounds, twice 🙂

FHQ: Meridian is a tough region, no doubt. How do you prepare mentally to come in and battle it out?
Kristin Holte: Yes, it is a very tough region. I work with a mental coach all year long, but more frequently leading up to big competitions like Regionals. I try to not focus on my competitors, and instead focus on myself and what I can do and the things that I can control. We do a lot of mental preparation, which gives me the resources to perform my best at every event.
Kristin Holte: Yes, it is a very tough region. I work with a mental coach all year long, but more frequently leading up to big competitions like Regionals. I try to not focus on my competitors, and instead focus on myself and what I can do and the things that I can control. We do a lot of mental preparation, which gives me the resources to perform my best at every event.
FHQ: Are you friends with any of the other women or do you guys keep things pretty professional?
Kristin Holte: I have definitely made some really good friends through CrossFit. Yes, we are competitors…but we are not fighting each other, so there is no reason to not be friends. I think good sportsmen wants their competitors to be able to perform their best, so the competition is fair and the best will win.
Kristin Holte: I have definitely made some really good friends through CrossFit. Yes, we are competitors…but we are not fighting each other, so there is no reason to not be friends. I think good sportsmen wants their competitors to be able to perform their best, so the competition is fair and the best will win.

FHQ: You’re an Invictus athlete, which is housed in the U.S. but you live in Norway. How does that work with your training?
Kristin Holte: Yes, I am really proud to call myself an Invictus athlete. I have worked with CJ Martin and the rest of the Invictus crew for 2 years now and it has really made a difference for me. The community is the best there is! I spend a lot of time training in San Diego, and when I am home in Norway, CJ sends me the program and I train at my gym with my training buddies here.
Kristin Holte: Yes, I am really proud to call myself an Invictus athlete. I have worked with CJ Martin and the rest of the Invictus crew for 2 years now and it has really made a difference for me. The community is the best there is! I spend a lot of time training in San Diego, and when I am home in Norway, CJ sends me the program and I train at my gym with my training buddies here.
FHQ: You have a Masters in nutrition — with that being said, what does your diet look like? Will it change now that you’re preparing for the Games? Do you ever have a cheat meal?
Kristin Holte: My diet is not very special in any way. I practically eat whatever I feel like my body needs and wants at all times. When that is said, my body mainly wants healthy and clean food, so thats what I am eating most of the time. But I have cheat meals every Saturday, and I am not afraid to eat some junk or candy now and then 🙂
Kristin Holte: My diet is not very special in any way. I practically eat whatever I feel like my body needs and wants at all times. When that is said, my body mainly wants healthy and clean food, so thats what I am eating most of the time. But I have cheat meals every Saturday, and I am not afraid to eat some junk or candy now and then 🙂

FHQ: We know that running is definitely in your wheelhouse as an ex-track and field athlete. What kinds of movements are you hoping to see in Carson this summer?
Kristin Holte: I hope to see a lot of running as always, but also some kind of triathlon or obstacle course – that would be so much fun. I also like the odd object events which no one have practiced beforehand – that’s what really show who’s the fittest.
Kristin Holte: I hope to see a lot of running as always, but also some kind of triathlon or obstacle course – that would be so much fun. I also like the odd object events which no one have practiced beforehand – that’s what really show who’s the fittest.
FHQ: On the other hand, are there any movements you’re really hoping not to see?
Kristin Holte: No, not really. I wouldn’t be very happy with a marathon row or something like that, but everything else is welcome to show up 🙂
Kristin Holte: No, not really. I wouldn’t be very happy with a marathon row or something like that, but everything else is welcome to show up 🙂
FHQ: When you aren’t training and being an all around badass, what are some things you like to do?
Kristin Holte: Rest, relax, watch Netflix, be out in the sun and hang out with friends
Kristin Holte: Rest, relax, watch Netflix, be out in the sun and hang out with friends