Latest Studies and Changes in Nutrition

By Harris Reynolds | August 14, 2015
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One thing we always strive for here at FitnessHQ is providing accurate information. This is difficult in the field of health and wellness because there are so many studies out there, many of which conflict with each other. The reason for this include many factors like variables that are difficult to isolate as well as good old fashioned mistakes.

Nonetheless, we want to keep up with recent studies here that we find interesting and helpful.  This page will continue to be updated with latest studies related to health and wellness.

Daily Coffee May Boost Colon Cancer Survival” – NY Times.  Actual link to study here: “Coffee Intake, Recurrence, and Mortality in Stage III Colon Cancer“.  The conclusion?

“Higher coffee intake may be associated with significantly reduced cancer recurrence and death in patients with stage III colon cancer.”

In this large prospective study, the habitual consumption of spicy foods was inversely associated with total and certain cause specific mortality, independent of other risk factors of death.

“Link Discovered Between Sugar and Breast Cancer”  by the Journal of Cancer Research (and you can also see our FitnessHQ breakdown of the study here)

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