At the 2014 CrossFit Games, a new name burst onto the scene. Mat Fraser, a retired Olympic weight lifter who had only just begun doing CrossFit a year and a half prior, soared up the leaderboard to land himself in second place. Mat threw down some impressive performances, and when Froning announced he wouldn’t be competing as an individual in 2015, analysts everywhere were salivating over what we might see out of Fraser this year.
If his performance in the Open is any indication, we’re in for one heck of a ride.
Mat won the worldwide CrossFit Open beating the previously untouchable Rich Froning, and in his North East region he came in a whopping 83 points ahead of the next competitor, Daniel Tyminski.
Hey also tied for first in what was easily one of the most grueling workouts of the Open – 15.5!
And let’s be honest here, he also looks amazing with his shirt off.
Since I’m as much of a fangirl as the rest of you (and gents, you’re not excluded here, we know you dig this dude too!), I caught up with him on Facebook where he generously agreed to answer our top 10 must-know questions here at FitnessHQ.
Read on to hear what the champ has to say about CrossFit, gear, nutrition, and if he’s still looking for the right girl! Hint: Bonus points if your name is Amanda!

FHQ:What is one piece of advice you have for someone just starting Crossfit?
Mat Fraser: My advice to someone starting out is to first, always listen to your body. If something isn’t feeling good, don’t do it. And second, take the time to learn proper technique. If will pay off big time down the road.
Mat Fraser: My advice to someone starting out is to first, always listen to your body. If something isn’t feeling good, don’t do it. And second, take the time to learn proper technique. If will pay off big time down the road.
FHQ: Do you do any sort of mental preparation heading into workouts? Tips or tricks?
Mat Fraser: I usually just tell myself that the sooner I start it the sooner it is over. I’m a big time procrastinator, so I have to force myself to just start.
Mat Fraser: I usually just tell myself that the sooner I start it the sooner it is over. I’m a big time procrastinator, so I have to force myself to just start.
FHQ: What’s your hands down favorite thing to eat?
Mat Fraser: Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. Duh.
Mat Fraser: Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. Duh.
FHQ: Do you have any gear that you can’t live without?
Mat Fraser: Red Line shorts and Nike Metcon shoes. I can’t tell you the last time I did a workout with those two things.
Mat Fraser: Red Line shorts and Nike Metcon shoes. I can’t tell you the last time I did a workout with those two things.
FHQ: Talk supplements to me. Anything you take regularly? Anything that you would recommend to other athletes?
Mat Fraser:I take Nutriforce Preworkout and Protein every day, and then their WOD Pack most days (when I remember). I think a post workout protein shake is a necessity.
Mat Fraser:I take Nutriforce Preworkout and Protein every day, and then their WOD Pack most days (when I remember). I think a post workout protein shake is a necessity.
FHQ: Who’s your favorite girl? Why?
Mat Fraser:I like Amanda. I think because it is two movements that I like, and it is just so fast, so it is over quickly.
Mat Fraser:I like Amanda. I think because it is two movements that I like, and it is just so fast, so it is over quickly.
Amanda WOD
Three rounds, 9, 7, and 5 reps, for time of:
135 pound Squat snatch
FHQ: What’s one thing you want all your fans to know about you? (And is it totally weird to actually have fans who love watching you work out?)
Mat Fraser: There really isn’t too much about me to know. I guess when I’m out of the gym, I am pursuing a double major double minor at UVM.
Mat Fraser: There really isn’t too much about me to know. I guess when I’m out of the gym, I am pursuing a double major double minor at UVM.
FHQ: What’s one item on your bucket list that isn’t Crossfit related?
Mat Fraser: I want to ride a bull. I went to my first rodeo a couple summers ago and thought it was the coolest thing ever. So, if I ever have the chance to do that, I’m there.
Mat Fraser: I want to ride a bull. I went to my first rodeo a couple summers ago and thought it was the coolest thing ever. So, if I ever have the chance to do that, I’m there.
FHQ: How does it feel to be the CrossFit Open Champ? Do you have a favorite Open workout from this year? What about a least favorite?
Mat Fraser: It doesn’t feel like anything. Nothing changed. I liked 15.3 a lot because, for me, it was a big test of mental strength. My least favorite was 15.2, with all those chest to bar. My hands have never torn like that before.
Mat Fraser: It doesn’t feel like anything. Nothing changed. I liked 15.3 a lot because, for me, it was a big test of mental strength. My least favorite was 15.2, with all those chest to bar. My hands have never torn like that before.
FHQ: And finally, for the ladies, you single bro?
Mat Fraser: Haha yes, I am single.
Mat Fraser: Haha yes, I am single.
Alright ladies, you heard it here first! A big thanks to Mat for doing this Q&A with us here at FitnessHQ! You can follow Mat on Facebook here!